Frequently Asked Questions

What payment options do you accept?

We accept PayPal, Credit Card and Zippay. Our website does also not store your credit card details.

Do you accept returns?

Absolutely! We accept change of mind returns, as long as the item is in its original packaging, has not been used, and no seals have been broken. For more information read our Returns Policy. Please note, there is certain products that we do not process refunds on due to the items not being sealed, but these items can be found in our Returns Policy.

Can I add to my order after I have placed it?

Sadly, the answer is No. Unfortunately we can not add too or change items in orders once they have been placed. With the volume of orders coming through it makes it hard to locate one order to change, so for this reason and to help us keep costs down, orders can not be changed.

Also once orders are placed your shipping labels are automatically printed with the weights etc for the parcel, so these can not be changed once printed.